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MetricFlow CLI

Once you define metrics in your dbt project, you can query metrics, dimensions, dimension values, and validate your configs using the MetricFlow command line (CLI).


You can install the MetricFlow CLI from PyPI. You need to use pip to install the MetricFlow CLI on Windows or Linux operating systems:

  1. Create or activate your virtual environment.python -m venv venv
  2. Run pip install dbt-metricflow
  • You can install MetricFlow using PyPI as an extension of your dbt adapter in the CLI. To install the adapter, run pip install "dbt-metricflow[your_adapter_name]" and add the adapter name at the end of the command. For example, for a Snowflake adapter run pip install "dbt-metricflow[snowflake]"

The MetricFlow CLI is compatible with Python versions 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11

CLI commands

The MetricFlow CLI provides the following commands to retrieve metadata and query metrics.

To execute the commands, use the mf prefix before the command name. For example, to list all metrics, run mf list metrics:


This command retrieves metadata values related to Metrics, Dimensions, and Entities values.

List metrics

mf list 

This command lists the metrics with their available dimensions:

mf list metrics <metric_name>
--search TEXT Filter available metrics by this search term
--show-all-dimensions Show all dimensions associated with a metric.
--help Show this message and exit.

List dimensions

This command lists all unique dimensions for a metric or multiple metrics. It displays only common dimensions when querying multiple metrics:

mf list dimensions --metrics <metric_name>
--metrics SEQUENCE List dimensions by given metrics (intersection). Ex.
--metrics bookings,messages
--help Show this message and exit.

List dimension-values

This command lists all dimension values with the corresponding metric:

mf list dimension-values --metrics <metric_name> --dimension <dimension_name>
--dimension TEXT Dimension to query values from [required]
--metrics SEQUENCE Metrics that are associated with the dimension
--end-time TEXT Optional iso8601 timestamp to constraint the end time of
the data (inclusive)
--start-time TEXT Optional iso8601 timestamp to constraint the start time
of the data (inclusive)
--help Show this message and exit.

List entities

This command lists all unique entities:

mf list entities --metrics <metric_name>
--metrics SEQUENCE List entities by given metrics (intersection). Ex.
--metrics bookings,messages
--help Show this message and exit.


This command performs validations against the defined semantic model configurations:

mf validate-configs
--dw-timeout INTEGER Optional timeout for data warehouse
validation steps. Default None.
--skip-dw If specified, skips the data warehouse
--show-all If specified, prints warnings and future-
--verbose-issues If specified, prints any extra details
issues might have
--semantic-validation-workers INTEGER
Optional. Uses the number of workers
specified to run the semantic validations.
Should only be used for exceptionally large
--help Show this message and exit.

Health checks

This command performs a health check against the data platform you provided in the configs:

mf health-checks


Follow the dedicated MetricFlow tutorial to help you get started:

mf tutorial


Create a new query with MetricFlow, execute that query against the user's data platform, and return the result:

mf query --metrics <metric_name> --group-by <dimension_name>


--metrics SEQUENCE Metrics to query for: syntax is --metrics bookings
or for multiple metrics --metrics bookings, messages.

--group-by SEQUENCE Dimensions and/or entities to group by: syntax is
--group-by ds or for multiple group bys --group-by
ds, org.

--end-time TEXT Optional iso8601 timestamp to constraint the end
time of the data (inclusive)

--start-time TEXT Optional iso8601 timestamp to constraint the start
time of the data (inclusive)

--where TEXT SQL-like where statement provided as a string. For
example: --where "revenue > 100". To add a dimension filter to
a where filter, you have to indicate that the filter item is part of your model.
Refer to the FAQ for more info on how to do this using a template wrapper.

--limit TEXT Limit the number of rows out using an int or leave
blank for no limit. For example: --limit 100

--order SEQUENCE Metrics or group bys to order by ("-" prefix for
DESC). For example: --order -ds or --order

--csv FILENAME Provide filepath for data frame output to csv

--explain In the query output, show the query that was
executed against the data warehouse

--show-dataflow-plan Display dataflow plan in explain output

--display-plans Display plans (such as metric dataflow) in the browser

--decimals INTEGER Choose the number of decimal places to round for
the numerical values

--show-sql-descriptions Shows inline descriptions of nodes in displayed SQL

--help Show this message and exit.

Query examples

The following tabs present various different types of query examples that you can use to query metrics and dimensions. Select the tab that best suits your needs:

Use the example to query metrics by dimension and return the order_total metric by metric_time.


mf query --metrics order_total --group-by metric_time


✔ Success 🦄 - query completed after 1.24 seconds
| 2017-06-16 | 792.17 |
| 2017-06-17 | 458.35 |
| 2017-06-18 | 490.69 |
| 2017-06-19 | 749.09 |
| 2017-06-20 | 712.51 |
| 2017-06-21 | 541.65 |

Additional query examples

The following tabs present additional query examples, like exporting to a CSV. Select the tab that best suits your needs:

Add --explain to your query to view the SQL generated by MetricFlow.


 mf query --metrics order_total --group-by metric_time,is_food_order --limit 10 --order -metric_time --where "is_food_order = True" --start-time '2017-08-22' --end-time '2017-08-27' --explain


✔ Success 🦄 - query completed after 0.28 seconds
🔎 SQL (remove --explain to see data or add --show-dataflow-plan to see the generated dataflow plan):
, is_food_order
, SUM(order_cost) AS order_total
cast(ordered_at as date) AS metric_time
, is_food_order
, order_cost
FROM ANALYTICS.js_dbt_sl_demo.orders orders_src_1
WHERE cast(ordered_at as date) BETWEEN CAST('2017-08-22' AS TIMESTAMP) AND CAST('2017-08-27' AS TIMESTAMP)
) subq_3
WHERE is_food_order = True
, is_food_order
ORDER BY metric_time DESC

Time granularity

Optionally, you can specify the time granularity you want your data to be aggregated at by appending two underscores and the unit of granularity you want to metric_time, the global time dimension. You can group the granularity by: day, week, month, quarter, and year.

Below is an example for querying metric data at a monthly grain:

mf query --metrics revenue --group-by metric_time__month


How can I add a dimension filter to a where filter?

To add a dimension filter to a where filter, you have to indicate that the filter item is part of your model and use a template wrapper: {{Dimension('primary_entity__dimension_name')}}.

Here's an example query: mf query --metrics order_total --group-by metric_time --where "{{Dimension('order_id__is_food_order')}} = True".

Before using the template wrapper, however, you will need to set up your terminal to escape curly braces for the filter template to work.

How to set up your terminal to escape curly braces?
To configure your .zshrcprofile to escape curly braces, you can use the setopt command to enable the BRACECCL option. This option will cause the shell to treat curly braces as literals and prevent brace expansion. Refer to the following steps to set it up:
  1. Open your terminal.
  2. Open your .zshrc file using a text editor like nano, vim, or any other text editor you prefer. You can use the following command to open it with nano:
nano ~/.zshrc
  1. Add the following line to the file:
  1. Save and exit the text editor (in nano, press Ctrl + O to save, and Ctrl + X to exit).

  2. Source your .zshrc file to apply the changes:

source ~/.zshrc
  1. After making these changes, your Zsh shell will treat curly braces as literal characters and will not perform brace expansion. This means that you can use curly braces without worrying about unintended expansions.

Keep in mind that modifying your shell configuration files can have an impact on how your shell behaves. If you're not familiar with shell configuration, it's a good idea to make a backup of your .zshrc file before making any changes. If you encounter any issues or unexpected behavior, you can revert to the backup.