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dbt has a concept called materialization, which determines how a model is physically or logically represented in the warehouse. INSERTs, UPDATEs, and DELETEs will typically be accomplished using table or view materializations. For incremental workloads accomplished via commands like MERGE or UPSERT, dbt has a particular materialization called incremental. The incremental materialization is specifically used to handle incremental loads and updates to a table without recreating the entire table from scratch on every run.

Step 1: Map the MERGE like an INSERT/UPDATE to start

Before we get into the exact details of how to implement an incremental materialization, let’s talk about logic conversion. Extracting the logic of the MERGE and handling it as you would an INSERT or an UPDATE is the easiest way to get started migrating a MERGE command. .

To see how the logic conversion works, we’ll start with an example MERGE. In this scenario, imagine a ride sharing app where rides are loaded into a details table daily, and tips may be updated at some later date, and need to be kept up-to-date:

MERGE INTO ride_details USING (

FROM rides_to_load AS rtl

ON ride_details.ride_id = rtl.ride_id


SET ride_details.tip = rtl.tip

WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (ride_id, subtotal, tip)
VALUES (rtl.ride_id, rtl.subtotal, NVL(rtl.tip, 0, rtl.tip)

The content of the USING clause is a useful piece of code because that can easily be placed in a CTE as a starting point for handling the match statement. I find that the easiest way to break this apart is to treat each match statement as a separate CTE that builds on the previous match statements.

We can ignore the ON clause for now, as that will only come into play once we get to a point where we’re ready to turn this into an incremental.

As with UPDATEs and INSERTs, you can use the SELECT list and aliases to name columns appropriately for the target table, and UNION together INSERT statements (taking care to use UNION, rather than UNION ALL to avoid duplicates).

The MERGE would end up translating to something like this:


using_clause AS (


FROM {{ ref('rides_to_load') }}


updates AS (


FROM using_clause


inserts AS (

NVL(tip, 0, tip)

FROM using_clause



FROM updates

UNION inserts

To be clear, this transformation isn’t complete. The logic here is similar to the MERGE, but will not actually do the same thing, since the updates and inserts CTEs are both selecting from the same source query. We’ll need to ensure we grab the separate sets of data as we transition to the incremental materialization.

One important caveat is that dbt does not natively support DELETE as a MATCH action. If you have a line in your MERGE statement that uses WHEN MATCHED THEN DELETE, you’ll want to treat it like an update and add a soft-delete flag, which is then filtered out in a follow-on transformation.

Step 2: Convert to incremental materialization

As mentioned above, incremental materializations are a little special in that when the target table does not exist, the materialization functions in nearly the same way as a standard table materialization, and executes a CREATE TABLE AS SELECT statement. If the target table does exist, however, the materialization instead executes a MERGE statement.

Since a MERGE requires a JOIN condition between the USING clause and the target table, we need a way to specify how dbt determines whether or not a record triggers a match or not. That particular piece of information is specified in the dbt model configuration.

We can add the following config() block to the top of our model to specify how it should build incrementally:


The three configuration fields in this example are the most important ones.

  • Setting materialized='incremental' tells dbt to apply UPSERT logic to the target table.
  • The unique_key should be a primary key of the target table. This is used to match records with the existing table.
  • incremental_strategy here is set to MERGE any existing rows in the target table with a value for the unique_key which matches the incoming batch of data. There are various incremental strategies for different situations and warehouses.

The bulk of the work in converting a model to an incremental materialization comes in determining how the logic should change for incremental loads versus full backfills or initial loads. dbt offers a special macro, is_incremental(), which evaluates false for initial loads or for backfills (called full refreshes in dbt parlance), but true for incremental loads.

This macro can be used to augment the model code to adjust how data is loaded for subsequent loads. How that logic should be added will depend a little bit on how data is received. Some common ways might be:

  1. The source table is truncated ahead of incremental loads, and only contains the data to be loaded in that increment.
  2. The source table contains all historical data, and there is a load timestamp column that identifies new data to be loaded.

In the first case, the work is essentially done already. Since the source table always contains only the new data to be loaded, the query doesn’t have to change for incremental loads. The second case, however, requires the use of the is_incremental() macro to correctly handle the logic.

Taking the converted MERGE statement that we’d put together previously, we’d augment it to add this additional logic:


using_clause AS (

max(load_timestamp) as load_timestamp

FROM {{ ref('rides_to_load') }}

{% if is_incremental() %}

WHERE load_timestamp > (SELECT max(load_timestamp) FROM {{ this }})

{% endif %}


updates AS (


FROM using_clause

{% if is_incremental() %}

WHERE ride_id IN (SELECT ride_id FROM {{ this }})

{% endif %}


inserts AS (

NVL(tip, 0, tip),

FROM using_clause

WHERE ride_id NOT IN (SELECT ride_id FROM updates)


SELECT * FROM updates UNION inserts

There are a couple important concepts to understand here:

  1. The code in the is_incremental() conditional block only executes for incremental executions of this model code. If the target table doesn’t exist, or if the --full-refresh option is used, that code will not execute.
  2. {{ this }} is a special keyword in dbt that when used in a Jinja block, self-refers to the model for which the code is executing. So if you have a model in a file called my_incremental_model.sql, {{ this }} will refer to my_incremental_model (fully qualified with database and schema name if necessary). By using that keyword, we can leverage the current state of the target table to inform the source query.